Fundraising ideas
There are many ways you can support our foundation and join the fight again CP. Here are some fundraising ideas you can do with your friends, school, or organization. You can also get creative and come up with your own campaign or activity.
Once you decide what type of fundraiser you want to have, send us a message so we can provide any resources and promote you on social media. After your fundraiser, head to our Donate page to find out how you can donate the money online or by mailing a check.

Create a Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook
Celebrating your next birthday by raising money for CP. When you set up the fundraising page, you can add information about our foundation and why supporting CP awareness and therapies is important to you. Set a realistic goal, then share with all of your Facebook friends.
Need help setting up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook? Follow these instructions.
Get Your Company, Sorority, Fraternity, or Social Group Involved
Whether your team consists of 5 people or 50,000, rally your troops to bring their compassion to touch the hearts of our community. Ways to support: host an internal fundraiser, sponsor an event, sponsor a child’s First Step PT’s monthly therapy treatment, or volunteer at our yearly events.
LemonAide Stand
You too can be a part of our fight against cerebral palsy (CP) by hosting your own LemonAide stand and raising money. It’;s simple. Just make sure you get the necessary approvals to host your stand, and then you set up your stand almost anywhere – whether in your front lawn, out in the community, or at a local
When you shop online, use Thousands of stores you are shopping from already create cash back for you. At the same time, it takes the money we spend as consumers and converts it to earning funds for the powerful Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP. Make sure you enter when asked who referred you so the Make Lemon Aide for CP Foundation gets the credit.
Form a Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP Chapter in your area
Are you courageous and would like to join our effort to help fulfill our mission of spreading CP awareness, raise funds to improve the lives of those living with this forgotten disability, and bring the CP community together so they can be honored? Contact us to get started.
Cupcake Sale
You too can be a part of our fight against cerebral palsy (CP) by hosting your own cupcake stand and raising money. It’s simple, really. Just make sure you get the necessary approvals to host your stand, and then you set up your stand almost anywhere.
Gift Exchange for CP
During the season of giving, encourage your family, colleagues, or friends to make a gift for CP – the forgotten disability. You could even challenge each department within your entire company to do the same thing, and make it a company-wide initiative. Or get your whole extended family involved. Don’t forget to take a photo and send it to us, and we’ll include it on our website!
Celebrations for CP
Are you looking for a unique way to support a great cause? Instead of little trinkets to say thanks to your guests, consider the opportunity to Be Courageous and donate money to the Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP. This is a perfect idea for wedding favors, shower favors, birthday party favors.We can even provide suggested copy for you! Here’s a suggestion for a wedding favor card:
Thank you for sharing our special day with us! Instead of wedding favors, [Michael and Elissa] have chosen to Be Courageous and make a donation to the Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP. The Make Lemon Aide Foundation funds research, trains therapists, and raises awareness for CP, which affects more than 17 million people nationwide. If you’re interested in helping us support the Foundation, you can donate – or learn more – at
Green Out for CP
Instead of a “White Party,” host a green party. It's a perfect idea for college friends, sororities and fraternities or clubs to gather and help fight CP. Charge an entrance fee as a donation and ask your guests to wear green! This idea is perfect at any time of year but is especially appropriate for March (CP Awareness Month), National CP Awareness Day (March 25), St. Patrick's Day (March 17).
Coins 4 CP Competition
This is a perfect fundraising effort to take to groups at school, work, your church, organizations in any place there are lots of people. Each group, team, or class gets a jar/container to collect pennies in, with each penny standing for a single vote. To add interest to the competition and attract more donations, let any other coins act as a vote against. For example, a nickel equals five votes against. Place the jars in a public location so everyone has the opportunity to cast their votes. At the end of each day (or week), empty the jars and keep a running total. Announce the final result when the fundraiser is over. The group that collects the most coins wins.
#GivingTuesday is a day of giving. We celebrate it on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (right after Black Friday and Cyber Monday). Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year.
Paper Lemons
Paper Lemons is a great fundraiser idea for schools, businesses, restaurants, clubs, and more. For $1, supporters can sign a paper lemon to hang on the wall. See how many lemons your organization can get, or turn it into a friendly competition between teams.
Hats Off for CP
Wear your favorite hat to work or school and donate $5, $10 or more! It’s that easy to Be Courageous and support the fight against CP!
Jug of Lemon Aide
Here’s a simple way to Be Courageous and help us raise money for CP – simply ask people to donate their loose change. Clean out a plastic milk or juice hug, decorate the jug with the Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP logo, and collect change at an event or participating business. Make sure you get any approvals you need and promote the fundraiser prior to the event.
Student Council Leadership Project
Be Courageous and help us raise awareness about CP – and money for research! Whether you’re working on your service hours, or you want to stand out on your college applications, there are many ways to help:
Invite Lauren to be a part of your school’s student council program
Select our Foundation for your group’s fundraising efforts
Ask Lauren to speak at a student council meeting Inspire your student council to apply to be a Lemon Aide Ambassador to develop their leadership skills We look forward to hearing from you!
“Our club, Kennedy Leadership Council, is made up of 6th-8th graders from JFK Middle School in Cheektowaga, NY. When planning out the remainder of our year, the club decided that getting involved in some sort of run/walk would be a great idea. After researching some local runs taking place in June, the club decided that Lauren’s run made perfect sense for us! This walk embodies our goal of teaching empathy and showing youth leadership. We are excited to be a part of this great event!”
— Jeff Clark, JFK Middle School
Dress Down or Dress Up Day
You too can be a part of our fight against cerebral palsy (CP) by hosting a dress down / dress up for CP day at your work or school and raising money. It’s simple, really. Just make sure you get the necessary approvals from whoever’s in charge and get started! Instead of a dress down day, try dressing up as your favorite superhero!
Crazy Hair Day for CP
Lauren’s first school fundraiser was Crazy Hair Day. Why? Because Lauren wanted one day that everyone would be different – and feel accepted. For this fundraiser, students donate money to wear crazy yellow and green hair. You could also do a crazy hair, sock, or hat day! Select a day that people can donate to wear their wildest hair, socks, or hat.
Dance for a Difference
Lauren loves to dance, and has even appeared on Dancing with the Stars! You can help support the Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP – and have a great time doing it – by hosting a school dance called Dance for a Difference. Just talk to your teachers about having a dance at your school, and donating the ticket sales and/or concession sales to the Make Lemon Aide Foundation for CP! Send your school’s dance photos and we may even put them on our website or Facebook page.
Lemon Tree for CP
Place a tree in a common area at work or school, then ask people to donate to get a paper lemon that they can hang on the tree. Click here to download the “lemon” that you can print and use! To add interest to the competition and attract more donations, let any other coins act as a vote against. For example, a nickel equals five votes against. Place the jars in a public location so everyone has the opportunity to cast their votes. At the end of each day (or week), empty the jars and keep a running total. Announce the final result when the fundraiser is over. The group that collects the most coins wins.
Provide Raffle / Fundraising Items
A signed football, gift basket, or piece of artwork can help us raise hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars for CP research, training therapists, and raising awareness. We are always looking for items to use in our fundraising efforts, including signed sports memorabilia (footballs, jerseys, photos, etc.), gift baskets, tickets, unique experiences. If you have something you’d like to donate to help us raise money, please contact us today.
Greek Community
You have the power to help change a life—and change the world. Cerebral Palsy is the forgotten disease, but with your help, it won’t be forgotten anymore. You can have a tremendous impact on giving Lauren and countless others a better life. How can your Sorority or Fraternity help? Create your own idea! Thank you for helping us make a difference.
Workplace Matching Giving Funds
Does your workplace have a match program for gifts? Some companies will match a charitable gift dollar for dollar. Even if they only match 25% or 50%, every amount matters in our fight against CP. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, we welcome your gifts.