Dear Friends,
Laps of Love 2021 Outdoor Inclusion Exhibition is a way for family’s, friends, and colleagues to connect either social distanced or virtually making the best of COVID times. Laps of Love 2021 is an event that embraces the key foundational themes of Make Lemon Aide: acceptance, inclusion, kindness, love and more showcasing each theme in a special exhibit at Outer Harbor Buffalo.
Why is it important? Lack of inclusion is something I have felt and witnessed from my childhood years until now. Inclusion is an ongoing struggle for those those with disabilities, not because we aren’t social but rather because of the fear and stigma that surrounds conditions and all differences. This past year a lack of inclusion was forced upon us all due to the circumstances of COVID-19 and with this an understanding was formed. It has been shared with me in the past, that parents are seeing the lack of inclusion for their children as well. There is only one word for it. Heartbreaking!
But, we have the power to change that because Laps of Love 2021 is one of Buffalo, New York’s most inclusive events that is happening this summer for all abilities. So, even though we cannot all come together in person like we have in the past this event is fused with all the positivity, joy, and excitement, and celebration of our CP community that has been a trademark of past events. This is a chance for people to connect at the outdoor exhibit in Buffalo or with your friends and family in your hometown at your favorite location — walking, running, or rolling to rock inclusion! Let’s raise some funds and awareness for a good cause!! Sign up today!!
Lemon Love and Squeezes,